50 Micron Polyester Folders

50 Micron Polyester Folders

The Secol Standard 50 Micron Polyester Folders are welded on 1 long side and open on the other three for a simple or temporary enclosure.

They are not punched.

For Folder with clip-lock fold on opposite side go to TRANTEC SLEEVES

For storage solutions go ACID-FREE BOXES

For A4 and A3 Inserts, and Strips go to MOUNTING SYSTEMS

For Gloves and Tissue go to ACID-FREE ACCESSORIES


Code Name Overall
Format Application Material Pack Ex. VAT Inc. VAT
F76112Y50 Standard Folders 76x112 76 x 112mm 3" x 4½"
Cartes de Visite etc.
50 Micron Secol Polyester
50x £16.60 £19.92
F152230Y50 Standard Foldrers 152 x 230mm 152 x 230mm
Prints, Pictures
50 Micron Secol Polyester
50x £21.10 £25.32
F230305Y50 Standard Folders 230 x 305mm 230 x 305mm 9 x 12" 230 x 305mm
9 x 12" prints, pictures
50 Micron Secol Polyester
50x £33.20 £39.84
BSF50 B. S. Standard Folders 50 Micron Bespoke Service Bespoke

50 Micron Secol Polyester
50x POA

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